AB Thinks

Don’t look back in anger

AB Thinks

I don’t know about you, but when I think about 2016 I want to hide under my duvet in the hope that it will all go away. Considering Christmas is one of AB’s busiest times of the year, that’s not really an option. So instead, I’ve come up with a few highlights to remind us it wasn’t all bad.

  1. While the English national team continued to prove w‰’re hopeless at football, British sports fans had some reason to cheer this summer. Team GB won a record 67 medals at the Rio Olympics, while Andy Murray’s triple Grand Slam win landed him the world tennis number one spot.
  1. The giant panda is one paw further away from extinction after its threat level was downgraded from ‘endangered’ to ‘vulnerable’. Meanwhile, tiger numbers increased for the first time in a century – there are now around 3,890 in the wild. Hurrah for wildlife!
  1. Vinyl sales overtook the amount spent on digital downloads for the first time in 2016 – great news for music fans. £2.4m was spent on records in the UK in one week in early December, compared with just £2.1m on downloads.
  1. Tim Peake became the first UK astronaut to complete a spacewalk during his six-month stay in space. He kept his Twitter followers enthralled with regular selfies and updates, where he described the spacewalk as “exhilarating”.
  1. As the UK experienced record high temperatures in December, it doesn’t take a genius to see climate change is already happening. But there’s hope on the horizon with the historic signing of the Paris agreement, which aims to limit global warming to below 2°C.