AB Thinks

The power of AB-ness

When recruiting, is personality more or as important than experience?

While most businesses continue to scour CVs and lurk on LinkedIn for the person with the most relevant experience, should we be asking ourselves if the most qualified candidates will gel with the firm’s culture?

Cultural fit can cover a variety of characteristics, but ultimately, when recruiting the question hiring managers should be looking to answer is, as well as experience does this candidate’s values align with those of the company?

At AB we consciously use this approach when recruiting and have branded our culture as ‘AB-ness.’ So how do we quantify this characteristic when we seek out future employees?

A – Ambitious – for themselves, the company and our clients

B – Bold, outgoing, fun and charismatic

N – Nonconformist and happy to challenge

E – Enthusiastic and passionate

S – Supportive, understanding and encouraging

S – Steadfast, persistent and committed


We realise we set the bar high, but after over 50 years in the business this approach has helped shape who we are today. In this fast paced, ever changing industry our people are a constant reminder of why we love what we do.