The Edelman Trust Barometer has been tracking trends in trust for 20 years. This year’s survey reflects the views of 34,000 people globally. The results are a fascinating insight into what influences and drives trust across four major institutions – government, business, media and non-governmental organisations (NGOs).
When it comes to trust, business is pushing at an open door. It is seen as the engine of innovation and the driver of economic prosperity. However, according to Edelman, a third of us distrust business because it ‘lacks purpose’ and ‘does not have a vision for the future’ we can believe in.
This has interesting implications for business communicators. By crafting a content strategy to address trust issues head-on, both internal and external audiences are likely to have greater confidence and faith in your business.
Here are eight key findings from Edelman’s 2020 survey and a suggested communication response for each.

Would you like Katie Macaulay to present her analysis on the latest internal communication trends to your team, perhaps at your next team awayday? Just email