AB Thinks

Getting out and about

Hilary Robertson

November and December are always busy in the world of internal comms, and for those of us reporting for clients that means trips out of the office.

Magazine deadlines come swiftly to ensure publication in time for Christmas, with clients preparing for a busy few weeks before we (hopefully) all get a break.

In the last few weeks, I’ve interviewed countless people in and around London and gone as far afield as Harrogate, Leamington Spa and Leicester.

Despite the miles and the train lines I’ve travelled, this is one of the most rewarding parts of my job as reporter.

There was snow on the ground when I arrived in Harrogate but it was business as usual for the team I interviewed. Finding out about new products and services makes so much more sense in person and it was well worth the journey. I also squeezed in a visit to Betty’s CafЬЉ Tea Room for an unusually civilised lunch.

The Leamington Spa job involved a hotel stay for an early morning start at a conference. It was hearing the business messages firsthand and meeting dozens of employees that made that trip worthwhile.

My drive to Leicester took me to one of the businesses that our client Royal Mail works closely with. It was the celebration of a 10-year relationship and that’s always good to be involved in.

Christmas and the New Year will come soon enough and I’m sure the likely snow won’t stop more trips going in the diary. Keep them coming!