AB Thinks

Name your IC star

Hosting the Internal Comms Podcast feels like an indulgence. I get to sit down with smart, passionate people and ask probing questions about a subject I find fascinating.

And I’ve been fortunate that others have allowed me this indulgence. First, my generous guests who give their time and insight freely, despite their busy schedules.

And, second, the audience. When we launched the show there were plenty of podcasts devoted to marketing, social media and public relations. But there were no regular shows in the UK dedicated to internal communications.

The many thousands of people around the world who have downloaded the show prove there is appetite for fresh insight into our discrete area of communications. As professionals, we’re eager to share and inspire each other. We are communicators who practice what we preach.

Stay tuned. I have some exciting guests lined up for the end of season one – authors, senior leaders, even a BAFTA-winning TV writer sharing his approach to storytelling. And it’s not too late for you to put someone in the hot seat.

We want to hear your nominations for who should be a guest on the show. We’d love to hear about:

  • A senior leader with a passion for internal communications. Someone who inspires, informs and engages their workforce
  • A communicator with a story to share – someone who has taken on a tricky internal communication challenge and is happy to share lessons learned
  • A communications specialist with expertise others would find enlightening

Use this opportunity to shine a light on your organisation’s communication successes and superstars.

Email the icpodcast@abcomm.co.uk with your nominations. Or share your thoughts with us on Twitter @abthinks