AB Thinks

Size doesn’t matter… except when it comes to measurement

AB Thinks

Us Brits don’t tend to like to boast. It’s just not the done thing.

But when it comes to internal communications, it’s arguably the only way we can build and keep our reputation.

Boasting about the great job we do may seem a bit vulgar. And it is, if it is mere hyperbole. But backed with robust data and insight, it is a powerful tool. That’s what measurement can and should do.

The question is not whether we should measure to prove our worth, but what we should measure. It’s all about outcomes and impacts, much less about output and traffic.

However, so few of us measure. And when we do, we often don’t do it well. Why should that be? For me, it comes down to two things:

  • The first is, far too much of what we do is tactical and reactive, lacking SMART objectives that link back to our strategy. What do we measure when we don’t know what we’re trying to achieve?
  • The second is, many of us don’t know where to start. It can be daunting if there is nothing in place. What does good look like?

Help is at hand though. Our Impact and Measurement workshop offers the tools and techniques you need to create the data and insights you need to prove your value.

It covers how and why a measurement framework is an essential component of the IC function. It will introduce the measurement value chain and how to use it to build a business case for IC.

We like to keep our workshops intimate and interactive so places are limited. Find out more here.

Download our Good Thinking Guide for tips on measurement.