Transport for London
Clever comms for employees above and below ground at London’s transport network.
Print magazine, On the Move, and digital publication, Upfront, communicate business updates and employee stories for 23,000 people across the organisation.

On the Move, known as otm, has been the trusted source of company and colleague news for LU’s frontline for decades. The monthly print magazine is sent directly to colleagues’ homes so that they don’t miss out on updates and can take in information at their leisure.

Business updates show the correlation between individuals’ roles and the network’s performance, while inspirational stories give due recognition to those who go above and beyond in their roles.

Our in-house photographers are experts in capturing images that bring emotion, drama and authenticity to our storytelling.

Digital magazine Upfront is aimed at TfL’s 3,000 Surface Transport colleagues. It shares successes and best practice, shines the spotlight on the teams behind major transport planning projects and explains how everyone’s work contributes to delivering the Mayor’s vision for transport.