AB Thinks

Best in class (and PJs)

AB Thinks

Forget the Oscars, the real red carpet event of the season was the Institute of Internal Communication awards.

More than 380 communication professionals joined online on Friday afternoon to celebrate the winners of the IoIC National Awards 2020.

And while it was a virtual affair, we were preened and prepped for our screen debut with eight Awards of Excellence already tucked into our designer tuxedo pockets.

With no expense spared, we donned our glad rags – well on the top half anyway – to celebrate in style. Here’s our 15 seconds of fame on the virtual red carpet.


We were thrilled to pick up three class wins for our work with Royal Mail and Transport for London (TfL).

We scooped Best Newspaper/Newsletter and Best Writing for Courier newspaper for Royal Mail, and Best Photographic Image for Otm magazine for TfL.

It was a particular honour to collect these awards for clients who provided essential services during lockdown and we are proud to have done our bit helping communicate with the frontline who have been our lifeline.

So, from our screens, in our slippers, we salute them – our win is also theirs.

We also picked up eight Awards of Excellence. Find out more about our work here.