
Channel surfing – exploring the challenges for internal comms

I recently took part in a fascinating webinar exploring channel planning and optimisation, organised by our friends at Staffbase....

How to create scroll-stopping video

Designer Jess Foley and editor Jennifer Hardwick put together their top tips for making an engaging social video. On...
AB Thinks
AB Thinks

Channel your energy

Digital first isn’t the holy grail, explains internal communications consultant Daniel Lambie, audiences are where you should channel your...
AB Thinks
AB Thinks

Left to their own devices

As Walmart lifts its ban on employees using their personal devices on the shop floor, should we all consider...

Listen up

The humble podcast has never been more popular. The latest research suggests 23 per cent of us have listened...
AB Thinks
AB Thinks

The future of work

AB consultant Jenni Field facilitated our latest ABThinks Live event for the internal communications community, here she shares her...
AB Thinks
AB Thinks

How do you implement a new intranet?

At our AB Thinks Live event on 12 June John Rockley will be joining us to share his story...
John Rockley

Welcome to the tribe

AB Account Manager Duncan Mills looks at the growth of ‘tribalism’. New groups are springing up all over the...
AB Thinks
AB Thinks

#app-athy antidote

Digital journalism came under the microscope at this year’s news:rewired event at Thompson Reuters, where tech-heads from CNN, Facebook...
AB Thinks
AB Thinks

When two worlds collide

These are fascinating times for communicators and publishers. Not only are the boundaries between internal and external communications rapidly...
AB Thinks
AB Thinks